FAQ: How do I make my world flat? Print

  • 159

This guide will show you how to create a flat world by default.
Please note that this method only works if you delete/rename the default world in your server. If you do not wish to lose the existing world file, please download a copy to your computer using FTP Access. 

         Step 1. If you aren’t already logged in to your Multicraft Control Panel, log in, then make sure your server is stopped.
         Step 2. Delete/rename any existing world file. Make a backup to your computer if you wish to have one.
         Step 3. Under “Files”, select “Config Files”. Select “Server Settings” (the first file).
         Step 4. Find the “level-type” setting. The default setting you will see is “DEFAULT”.
         Step 5. To make the world flat, we want to change this setting to “FLAT”.
         Step 6. After making that modification, make sure to save your changes by clicking the “Save” button at the bottom of the page.
         Step 7. Start your server after saving these changes. If you did everything correctly, you will now have a flat world as your default world.


It’s that easy! If you have any questions, feel free to open a ticket with the Technical Support department and they will be happy to help!

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