Scheduled Restarts Print

  • 181

You will need to be logged into your Multicraft panel to follow this guide. Once logged into Multicraft, navigate to your server, then click Advanced > Scheduled Task > New Task in the left side panel. You will find this section:



Adjust these fields for your task.


Name: (Name of the Task, in this case: Server Restart)

Status: (Should be on Scheduled)

Scheduled Time: (You can leave that as it is or insert a time to begin the scheduled task)


Now you will need to check Interval, then set how often you would like the task to be executed.  (To set it to restart automatically once a day, you would change it to 24 Hours)


Command: (This is where you select Restart)

Arguments: (You can leave this field empty)

Run For: (Make sure Server is selected there, or it will not restart the server)


After filling out the fields to fit your task, you will click Create. The console will then perform the scheduled restart based on the criteria you entered into the fields.


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